Opportunity abounds; from there it is up to you.
Consulting Services and Solutions

Organizational Design and Development 

Organizational Design and Development assists the CEO and Senior Management Team in assessing organizational needs, constructing the organizational structure required, and executing the move to the desired positional structure.  This work often occurs in a top-down approach, coincident with decision rights development, and management authority development. 

PLD approaches organizational design and development from a functional perspective.  In other words, PLD works to help our clients understand the functional needs related to successful outcomes of the organization first - only then looking into the actual roles, responsibilities and people requirements.  In our experience, this approach limits the errors and lost productivity that accompanies the traditional positional approach.

Strategic Planning

Beyond the Strategic Matrix Assessment, PLD provides a full strategic planning process designed to deliver a “planning blueprint” that an organization will use as the basis for developing a full strategic plan.  Strategic planning in today’s environment requires timely action and amendment.  PLD researched and implemented a highly focused process to be delivered over a three day period.  Our IDC Success™ planning process is a tightly designed and facilitated planning retreat that pushes organizations forward to plan completion, allowing them to “innovate, debate, and create” their strategic future.   

Senior Management Team Facilitation

When a new senior team or a new strategic plan comes together in a fast-paced environment two primary challenges emerge: 1) The need for clear decision rights and accountability; 2) The need for cross-functional, open and responsive communications.  Productivity and initiative are lost when senior teams take too long to work through these essential challenges - and there are identifiable reasons why these challenges occur in such teams time and time again.  

A team facilitation consultation adds a team member to the senior management team who is solely focused on process and outcomes.  The consultant works with all members of the team to ensure the behaviors required to rapidly meet these senior leadership team challenges are recognized, responded to quickly, and are institutionalized, allowing the consultant to step out of the process.